Los Angeles County is looking at long-range planning options for all varieties of mobility and conducting a public survey on the topic. Here’s an opportunity to voice your preference for prioritizing mass transit and zero carbon footprint options such as bike safety and safe walkability. Consider the shared bike and scooter ideas which are still working out kinks in trials. There’s even mention of taxing single passenger vehicles.
I found one question in the survey quizzical and difficult to answer. “Do you enjoy your commute?” My Transition perspective is that I am becoming resilient by training myself to enjoy life while combatting increasingly dire circumstances. Some say that I am a victim of the boiling-frog syndrome, feeling resilient to ever-so-gradually increasing heat until the moment it is cooked in boiling water.
I prefer to see that the frog enjoys its life and continues to retain hope. I answered N/A.
Metro’s survey takes 5-10 minutes to fill out. You will be glad you did.
—Therese Brummel