Seedlings have been received from Muir Ranch
The hose bib has been repaired
Seedlings have been given to neighbors
Neighbors have, and will, water the trees and California native plants
Cement pieces are being moved off the patio
A bench-like board has been saved to make a bench
Neighbors have met each other
Arroyo Food Co-op
494 N. Wilson Avenue, Pasadena
Tuesday, May 6, 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM
Thursday May 8, 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM
This week at the garden: Seedlings and weeding
You can be a part of this. Join us for fun, camaraderie, exercise and learning (gardening and non-gardening activities available!)
* Take photos
share seedlings with visitors
Pick up trash
water the trees and California Native plants
Sweep up.
cut out Bermuda grass from between sidewalk squares. Block sunlight with tape
Bring food (backyard produce?) and/or drink to share
sign up for watering committee
Move pieces of urbanite from patio to parking lot
start disposing of bad pieces of urbanite
build urbanite (broken concrete) path
Time Bank members can earn time dollars to trade for other services. Sign up for a free membership at
— Sylvia Holmes