“Garden a Little and Potluck Dinner”
Tuesday, June 10, 2014
5:00 pm to 8:00 pm
Free Food Garden at Arroyo Food Co-op
494 N. Wilson Ave, Pasadena
Time to take it easy and meet all the gardeners out there. Gardening from 5-6:30, potluck dinner from 6:30 to sunset. Come when you can, leave when you have to.
We are building a Free Food Garden outside at the Arroyo Food Co-op. There are two benches on the patio, some logs to sit on and a coffee-table/bench.
we have a coffee table/bench made of pallets
sprinkler components have been purchased
plants are being watered
friendships are forming
seedlings are being planted
seedlings and backyard fruit are being shared
mulch is piling up in the garden
You can be a part of this. Join us for fun, camaraderie, exercise and learning (gardening and non-gardening activities available!)
WHERE: Arroyo Food Co-op 494 N. Wilson Avenue, Pasadena (at the corner of Villa Avenue) (0.8 miles from Lake Ave. Metro station; a few footsteps from ARTS Bus Route 40) (4 sturdy bike racks on site)
Tuesday, June 10, 5:00 pm - 6:30 pm then potluck dinner 6:30 - 8:00 pm
Thursday, June 12, 5:00 pm - 6:30 pm
This week at the garden: Potluck, sprinklers and seedlings
- start installing the sprinklers
- share seedlings and backyard produce with visitors
- occupy the benches
- water the trees and California Native plants
- Sweep up.
- cut out Bermuda grass from between sidewalk squares. Block sunlight with tape
- Bring food (backyard produce?) and/or drink to share
- sign up for watering committee
- build urbanite (broken concrete) path
- Take photos
Time Bank members can earn time dollars to trade for other services. Sign up for a free membership at http://arroyoseco.timebanks.org.
— Sylvia Holmes