The Good TO-GO Campaign
Michiko Lynch is a new Transition Pasadena member and a Queen of Zero Waste in her own life. (She's down front in the photo.) She brings Mason jars to the butcher to put her meat in, and carries non-disposable silverware and food containers in her car. She also describes herself as a Tree-hugger-hugger, since her main squeeze, John Lynch, is an arborist.
Michiko inspired several Transition members and other Eco Activists in our community to launch the Good To-Go Campaign, part of ongoing efforts to ban Styrofoam containers. A group effort led to the creative name and logo, a vibrant social media campaign, stickers, petition signatures mounting to the hundreds, plus many personal letters to council and a formal letter signed by 20 local organizations, businesses, and faith groups.
We didn't accomplish this alone; we connected with many new and old friends along the way. And we owe thanks to all the volunteers and supporting citizens including: Styrofoam Free Pasadena, Day One, Arroyo Seco Foundation, Arroyos and Foothills Conservancy, Altadena Heritage, Arroyo Food Co-op, All Saints Church Sustainable World Ministry, Pasadena-Foothills Chapter of Citizens Climate Lobby, La Loma Development/The Shed, Neighborhood Church Green Council, Pasadena Audubon Society, Pasadena Group - Los Angeles Chapter of the Sierra Club, Throop UU Church, Waste Less Living, Zanja Madre, Repair Café Pasadena, Throop Learning Garden, Mulch for the People, and
We also thank: Pasadena City Council, the Staff of the Department of Public Works, and the Environmental Advisory Commission.
We are determined to keep this momentum going!
- We are building and strengthening relationships with our newly invigorated local Eco Activists Group.
- We will remain vigilant. We will not allow the drafted ordinance veer off of a path to adoption.
- We also support the citizens of other San Gabriel Valley and Foothills communities who want to ban polystyrene.
- And we support a “Yes” vote this November to keep the statewide plastic bag ban.
— Therese Brummel