Throop Hall

March 1, 2014 — 3:00 to 6:00 pm
Throop U.U. Church
300 S Los Robles Ave, Pasadena
(Corner of Del Mar and Los Robles )
Need a FIX?
The exuberance our tinkers and tailors report from their work at Repair Cafe can be yours!
Come get a fix for your appliance, electronics or clothing on March 1 from 3-6 pm at Throop Hall. Or ride your bike in for a consult or a fix by the Bike Doctor, Jonathan.
Spring is in the air, so we will have a seed and seedling swap, and tool sharpening demos. Tour the Throop Learning Garden and hear about our plans to expand the food forest! The Worm Bin Doctor, Laura, will also be on hand to help you have happy worms. Learn more about the Placemaking at Arroyo Food Co-op Garden. The Veggie Doc ... David Kiang of Whittier Backyard Farm will answer questions about veggie gardening.
Excess backyard produce? We will set up a spacial table for exchanges. Bring your oranges and see what you will get in return.
The Really Really Free Market will be on. Please bring only things you would gift to someone. No junk, no bulky objects! Leftovers go to Goodwill.
To offer repairs or help with triage contact: [email protected].
Many hands make community fun!
— Therese Brummel
Photo: Maelane Chan