Kalmus' book is widely available, and the documentary film "Being the Change: A New Kind of Climate Documentary" is soon to be.
Peter has dedicated all profits from sales to Citizens' Climate Lobby. The very active local chapter, Pasadena Foothills Citizens Climate Lobby, meets at Neighborhood Church every second Saturday 9:30 a.m.-12 p.m.
Grist magazine is environmental journalism at its best. For the last few years it has selected 50 "Fixers." These are generally younger phenoms with fresh hopeful and inspiring ideas for addressing environmental challenges. They hail from across the nation and fall into one of these five upbeat categories: Visionaries, Creators, Strategists, Catalysts, and Hometown Heroes. The 50 very short profiles will bring joy to your day and possibly spark ideas.
One of the guiding principles of Transition Network is that our work should be cheerful. The hard news on the environment and the economy which surrounds us is paralyzing — unless, as Transition founder Rob Hopkins tells us, we find ways to create change with cheer and fun.
—Therese Brummel