Repair Café Pasadena, a collaboration of NELA Transition and the Arroyo S.E.C.O. Network of Time Banks, received an award for Waste Reduction, “for advancing the transition from a consuming to a conserving society by hosting eight community events resulting in the repair of 240 items.” And Throop U.U. Church and NELA Transition received an award in the Urban Nature category, “for working collaboratively with the community to transform 8,000 square feet of water loving Bermuda grass into the Throop Learning Garden.”
We wish to thank everyone who has come out to participate in our events and projects, and also to everyone who has been working to make our community a more sustainable one!
— Qrys Cunningham
Photo: Reverend Tera Little of Throop Unitarian Universalist Church and January Nordman of NELA Transition receive a Green City Award from Vice Mayor Margaret McAustin, with Gabriel Silva of Pasadena Public Works and several Throop Learning Garden volunteers in attendance.