In our race to Transition, a fundamental factor in our success will be each of us grappling with our own shift in consciousness. Transition represents a set of ideas that go beyond efficiency. Peak oil and environmental devastation are only two results of our in-grown need to be efficient. We all have the sense that our species is on the path toward human extinction. A contributing factor is precisely this efficiency paradigm.
It's going to take a miracle for mainstream human industrial society to move off its current path. By miracle, I don’t mean the intercession of an all powerful deity, but rather events that are inexplicable from our current perspective. A shift in consciousness can shift our perspective and produce events that are not explainable. We might call those events miracles.
One valuable quality of any face-to-face meeting, as opposed to electronic pseudo-community, is an investment in the future. Open, honest, and full communication is of the highest importance in achieving the success of any endeavor. Investing your time in face-to-face activity is the most powerful way to move the Transitioning of the LA area forward.
We all want the best possible outcome for our efforts. Not only for ourselves but for our children and future generations yet unborn. We are running a marathon. That’s exactly what we are doing in trying to Transition the Los Angeles watershed, and if we’re going to make it to the finish line, we desperately need to put our heads together and rely on our collective wisdom to find the way forward.
— David Cutter